AFV-G2 Volue 4 Number 2

Baron Publishing, 1973, Abbreviated as AG0402 (OOP)
AFV-G2 is an interesting series covering many unusual subjects. This issue includes a Q&A on Ostkette and "A Consumer's Guide to German 7.5 cm Ammunition" by Mark Diehl. Mark's sources included:
F. M. von Senger und Etterlin, Die Kampfpanzer von 1916-1966 US Army, "TM-E 30-451; Handbook on German Military Forces, 1945" US Army, "TM 9-1985-3/TO 39B-1A-10; German Explosive Ordnance (Projectiles and Fuzes)" US Army, "Historical Study 20/269; Small Unit Actions During the German Campaign in Russia" F. W. von Mellenthin, "Panzer Battles" Walter Stutz, "Schiesslehre" Rudolf Lusar, "Die deutschen Waffen und Geheimwaffen des 2. Weltkrieges und Ihre Weiterentwicklung"
Mark revealed in my recent interview with him that additional "unofficial" sources were also used. These included test shot data from Aberdeen Proving Ground's Ballistics Research Laboratory, and an interview with Col. G. B. Jarrett.