German Tanks of World War Two

1854095013, George Forty, 1987, Abbreviated as GTWW2
George Forty's books have been around for awhile, but he's still among my favorite authors. And of all the books he has done I refer to this one the most. German armor is covered from the Panzer I to the Tigers and experimental superheavies. As is typical of this author, unique material gets priority over that which has already been published elsewhere. For example, the book includes some of the interior photos from British sources that are absent from Spielberger's work and even includes maps showing the layout of key tank factories. In order to make room for this type of thing, the book glosses over much of the common information such as specifications (it only includes the basics and even then only for key models). Because of this, the book is best suited as an addition or extension to the "standard" references that are already out there. Of special interest are the 5 full-color shots featured on the dust jacket of this newest printing.
Partial List of Illustrations

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